2018 Bikes for Kids

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Every year RABA, through its RABA Foundation (a 501-c3 organization), raises money to purchase bicycles to donate to area Christmas Mothers so they in turn can give them to kids less fortunate in our community. The program provided 550 bikes in 2016 and 600 bikes in 2017!

With your support we can achieve our goal of buying more than 800 bikes, assembling and delivering them to be distributed to those who need them.

You remember how much fun it was to find a bike next to the Christmas tree? Help us make that dream come true for some kids in need.

Any amount you can give helps. Large bikes for teenagers cost about $100, mid-size bikes $75 and small bikes $50.

Remember, your donations are tax deductible.

You can also give by downloading this form, writing a check to the RABA Foundation and mailing it to:

Bikes for Kids/RABA
c/o RABA Treasurer
PO Box 6565
Ashland, VA 23005


Silent Auction Payments (via PayPal)