Join or Renew

Annual Dues: $20 per person (25 years of age or older), $25 per family consisting of one or two adults and all dependents under 18, or $10 per person (under 25 years of age). The membership year is 12 months from when you join.

Join On-Line: Click Here to Join You’ll be paying by credit card via PayPal.

Renew On-Line: To renew on-line click on the renewal link at the bottom of the renewal email message that you received. If you have any problems, please contact our Membership Director at

Benefits of Membership:

Daily Rides: From 20 to 60+ miles in and around the Richmond area. Overnight trips are scheduled several times a year.

Impromptu Rides: Members may set up impromptu rides of varying lengths and start points throughout the week. You may choose to receive e-mail announcements about them.

The Pedaler: A monthly electronic newsletter containing the ride calendar, club activities, and articles of interest to the club.

Message Boards: You may choose to receive e-mail announcements of rides and upcoming events.

Discounts: Receive a discount on purchases from area bicycle shops and businesses. A copy of your dues payment receipt serves as RABA’s discount/membership card.

Web Site Classifieds: You may have ads for cycling related items placed on the web site.

Meetings are held to discuss club events and hear featured speakers on topics such as, nutrition, training, travel experiences, repairs, health, and fitness. Social time is included in every meeting. Watch the web site for details.

RideWithGPS: Be able to access the club’s account at RideWithGPS, using that site’s premium level features for club ride routes and more,

Club Cycling Awards/Challenges including Mileage Tracking: Keep track of your cycling mileage, participate in various club Cycling Challenges and possibly qualify for awards.

Public Service: Participate in governmental and charity programs; such as, Adopt-A-Highway and our Bikes for Kids programs.

Insurance: Catastrophic medical insurance while on club rides.

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