2023 Bikes for Kids Results
Thanks to all of the volunteers, we had another very successful Bikes for Kids in 2023! Over the dates of November 29, 30 and December 2, 560 brand new bikes were distributed, ten more than last year.
Thanks to all of you who came in and sorted out bikes and helmets. Thanks to everyone who drove all over central Virginia. Special thanks to folks who came in multiple times to help keep the program organized or drove to multiple locations to make sure every bike found a home.
Because of this, there were 560 kids who woke up Christmas morning to a brand-new bike with a helmet. Bikes were delivered to eight Christmas Mothers: City of Richmond, and the Counties of Henrico, Charles City, Caroline, Powhatan., Cumberland, King William, and New Kent.
We worked with public school systems in Hanover and Chesterfield and the city of Richmond’s Bellemeade school. As a reminder, Bellemeade is the home of Groundwork RVA and the Charlie Thomas Bike Repair shop. We delivered bikes to Trivett School in Hanover.
The rest of the bikes went to other non-profit partners: STEP, Goochland Cares, Promised Land, Jewish Family Services serving Fairfield Court, St. James School, Petersburg Sheriff.
We achieved our goal of a very inclusive and diverse group of bike recipients. Thank you for all your help in making this happen whether it’s a donation of time or money or both. This is a 100% volunteer effort.